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Featured Client: Arthur Freedman, DMD

Dr. Freedman says "The biggest problem I see with teeth imaging is how the altered teeth really don't look natural at all. Not so with SmilePix. The results are stunning. They have sold quite a few cases for me. Also, their photographic advice is extremely helpful."

Before trying SmilePix, Dr. Freedman had been frustrated with the imaging results he was getting from other companies he tried. He felt that the simulated teeth often looked flat and unnatural. He has graciously offered to share some of his thoughts about SmilePix, and how he has incorporated the "before and after" simulations to build a successful cosmetic practice.

"I find that full-face photos work best in most cases to get a good reaction from the patient. The idea is to show them how improvements to their smile can enhance their whole appearance, and you just can't show that if you're only showing their teeth, without their eyes and other facial features. My photos were pretty good before, but after getting a few great tips from SmilePix owner Sam Laundon, my photography improved, and so did the reactions from my patients.

Dental rehabilitation by Dr Freedman. No surgery or any other cosmetic procedures were done. Please notice how clean and natural his teeth look. NO ONE would think that this very handsome man was not born with these teeth.

Getting a good photo to start with will also get better results with the imaging. It can be challenging making simulated teeth look real, as you are using the computer, a 2-D medium, to create a 3-D image. I've been very happy with the results I've gotten with SmilePix. The imaged teeth look very realistic and natural, with proper contour and shading.

The digital artists at SmilePix have been great at following my instructions on how I want the teeth to look. The "before and after" simulation is so much more effective than trying to verbally describe to a patient how their teeth will improve with my recommended treatment plan. I have had huge success with this approach!

After the patient approves my plan for restorative work, I send models to the lab, along with the "before and after" photos. The lab can do the wax-up and then make shims and guides for preparations of temporaries based on the new wax-up. Then I have a preview to share with my patient as to what the final outcome will be. At this point we can make adjustments or do any fine-tuning to the treatment plan, if needed, but usually it's not necessary. If I do make any significant changes at this stage of the process, I take an impression of the temps, and have a refined basis for the final restorative work. " - Arthur P. Freedman, D.M.D.

Dr. Freedman has been creating beautiful smiles for his patients in the greater Hartford area for over 25 years. He currently has a successful practice in Manchester, CT. To find out more, see his website:

SmilePix would like to extend a Special Thanks to Dr. Freedman for his contribution to our newsletter!
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